Why you should never mark a contact form submission as Spam

Small business owners! Did you know marking a contact form submission as spam can have negative consequences for your business? Learn why it's important to separate legitimate messages from spam and how to handle contact form submissions properly in our latest blog post. #contactform #spam #smallbusiness"

As a small business owner, it’s important to be vigilant about protecting your online presence from spam and unwanted messages. However, it’s also important to understand the difference between spam and legitimate contact form submissions from your own website. Marking a contact form submission as spam can have serious consequences for your business, and it’s important to know how to handle these messages properly.

When someone fills out a contact form on your website, their message is sent to the email address associated with the form. This message is typically sent from the server that hosts your website, and not from the sender’s email address. This means that, even if the message is spam, it is still coming from your website, and not from the spammer.

Marking a contact form submission as spam can have several negative consequences for your business. For one, it may cause your website’s server to be flagged as a spammer, which can negatively impact your email deliverability and website performance. Additionally, marking a contact form submission as spam may cause your website’s server to be blocked by other email services, which can make it difficult for you to communicate with your customers.

Another important reason to avoid marking contact form submissions as spam is that it may result in the loss of legitimate leads. Sometimes, a potential customer may not have filled out the form properly or might have made a mistake, but marking the submission as spam will make it impossible for you to reach out to that person again.

To avoid these problems, it’s important to set up a system for handling contact form submissions that separates legitimate messages from spam. One way to do this is to create a separate email folder for contact form submissions, and to set up filters that automatically route these messages to this folder. You can also use a spam filter or email validation service to help separate legitimate messages from spam.

In conclusion, it’s important to understand the difference between spam and legitimate contact form submissions from your own website. Marking a contact form submission as spam can have serious consequences for your business, including negatively impacting your email deliverability and website performance, blocking your website’s server and losing legitimate leads. To avoid these problems, set up a system for handling contact form submissions that separates legitimate messages from spam, and use filters and validation services to help.

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